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new revelations concerning the explosion in Alexandria

let's make this brief, we all know the story and we all saw what happened over and over and over on every TV channel every hour in the news, but let's check out some facts that we were not told:

1- before the whole incident, the government actually received a threatening note from a certain organization known for its previous involvement in many terrorizing events saying that they are planning to blow up a church on new year's eve, and the note was ignored.

2- the facebook page that had the title "the first suicide attempt in 2011" had nothing to do with the horrifying incident but was in fact encouraged to be focused on to divert the attention away from the actual page that had the title "we shall divide and conquer" which had actual description of what would happen 24 hours before the incident and was immediately deleted after the explosion as a cover up.

3- pictures of the incident were forbidden to be publicly shown on the news (channels and papers) as they contained horrifying images of blood on the church walls and piles of unshaped human flesh scattered in the street in the place of the incident

4- to this day, anyone who would walk by the street of the incident will notice that any road leading to it is officially closed by military forces

5- sources from the forensic office state that a paper was found on one of the cars that exploded saying "and there will be more to come" that had several unidentified fingerprints on it

6- it has been confirmed that neither "Elka3eda" nor "the brotherhood of Muslims" had anything to do with the incident, nor any other organization

7- it has also been confirmed that the explosion did not originate from one source, but in fact it originated from 2 of the 3 parked cars near the church

now that we know all those things, we can do nothing but wait and see whether or not our investigative police forces will be able to catch who ever was responsible for this grotesque incident, or will the victims of the explosion die in vain like many others before them!


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