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hate emails are no fun

well this is fairly interesting, i received an email last night saying "you should not be talking about things you do not know about or understand, you are making a mistake, stop posting subjects that could result in huge problems". it was sent from "" and when i tried to reply the system sent me a msg saying the email does not exist.
now i have no idea who sent this, but i can guarantee that i know exactly what i am talking about, and my sources are very reliable, i wouldn't risk posting about any subject if i wasn't sure of it. i am assuming the person who sent this is linked to one of my posts, and i do ask of him to come forth and address me as i would be very interested to have a chat with him, even off the records.


mystery of the sphinx revealed

we all know the sphinx of Giza as a mysterious symbol of a lost high culture, the guardian of the sacred tombs in the pyramids, but egyptian archeologist mohamed assan has revealed some new secrets that were unknown to everyone until now. "we have discovered that the sphinx does not represent a lion but in fact it has the body of a cat, results were very surprising to find another statue right underneath the sphinx (almost double its size) of a huge dog" mohamed said. while the excavations proceeded, the archeologists also uncovered the statues of a gigantic donkey under the huge dog, and another statue of a rooster near by the figures, which was apparently broken away from the back side of the cat.

this astonishing discovery brought Mr assan to a revolutionary interpretation of the true identity of the sphinx " we believe that the figures represent the temple monks and witches of the city" Assan states
this new insight raises lots of further questions, the most important one of them is whether or not the pyramid of Cheops was in fact the roof top of the bounded underground temple where the monks and witches lived.


Latest revelations concerning the Alexandria Church explosion

well apparently some of the police officers injured in the explosion that resulted in the horrible death of 22 and severe injuries of 79 claim that it would have been a much worse scenario if the suicidal bomber had succeeded in executing his original plan which was "to explode INSIDE the church"!!!!!!!
the line up of the officers at the entrance of the church prevented him from going in at the time of the mas so he decided to "what the hell" blow up outside the church, so he triggered an exploding belt containing 10-15 Kgs of explosive materials including metal nails and metal spheres.
a head was found in the place of the incident that is said to be the head of the "main" bomber as it is highly suspected that he had assistance and the incident was in fact a group work.
still no one has any idea who was responsible for the explosion, and although there are many rumors that state it was an outsider job, the forensic dept clearly stated that the explosives were made locally and was not imported.
one of the people inside the church at the time of the explosion is also currently held in custody as he was seen in the video recording inside the church entering a few moments before the explosion, and as everyone was panicing after the explosion, he was the only one standing calm and steady.

super heroes in Alexandria

let's go through some facts dating to 2 years back:
- in 12/4/2009, at 3 am a man was found tied up in front of sidi gaber police station lying on the ground and pretty beaten up, the man confessed that he was trying to assault a 27 year old female 2 streets away from the police station when a group of 3 people dressed fully in black (like ninjas) with faces covered and everything, attacked him and beat him up pretty bad, according to him they were all average sized and had no guns or knives, but they had sticks and chains and had knowledge of "Karate".

-in 23/9/2009, at 5:40 am 3 men were found also tied up near the police office in smouha, all beaten (bardo_ pretty bad, and said a bunch of ninja freaks came out of nowhere and started beating them up for no reason, but this time they said they were 5 guys not 3. the police officers found about 1/8 kg of crack divided in their pockets, turns out they were ex-cons and had previous records in drug dealing

- in 19/5/2010, at 2:45 am a woman called the police saying that there is a huge fight near her house in stanley. when the police arrived there were 4 guys on the ground tied up (as usual) and the woman later claimed she saw one of them with a knife from her balcony trying to mug a woman in the street. their alcohol blood level was high and they also had traces of drugs in their blood. the police found traces of a blood type that did not match any of the tied up guys (who were 6 this time), and one of them claimed to have injured one of the ninja guys in his arm and neck with his knife.

- in 3/9/2010, at 1:50 am 3 men were found near the smouha police station tied up and with drugs and knives in their pockets, to cut the story short, they claimed 5 guys came at them and beat them up pretty bad with their martial arts moves

now the authorities are very concerned about the acts of those individuals, and are putting a big focus on investigating and arresting them as they are clearly committing a felony! now can someone please explain to me what is wrong with this picture? those guys are out there fighting crime, doing what the police should be doing, helping people and saving them, and the police considers them felons and outlaws. well i for one would like to say how much i am glad someone out there decided to make a change, i hope any of them would be reading this to know how much we appreciate what they are doing, thank you guys.


and they say you are what you eat

let's have a sneak peak at what we ingest daily without even having the slightest idea how slow we are killing ourselves:
- let's start with water, sources clearly state that not only our water is not qualified for drinking but it actually is not qualified even for showering or for washing things, it started a few years back when it was revealed that bacteria and other organisms in our water have built up tolerance to the ancient method they use in our prehistoric water centers which lead to authorities increasing chlorine levels in water to try and overcome that issue, of course now chlorine level is above the standard level authorized by the WHO and is very harmful for human use. that wasn't enough because apparently now the nile is the perfect place for dumping industrial toxins and radioactive wastes which least of all are lethal and can cause permanent brain damage.

- then we move on to vegetables and fruits which are of course showered with toxins that cause organ failure and a garden variety of cancers

- meat is also a big issue since the mad cow disease was initially caused by the fact that they feed cows grinded protein compounds made up of other dead cows, they are also grown in very confined places to prevent them from moving so the cow doesn't use its muscles and its meat becomes fatty and softer which is the main cause for chronic heart diseases and digestive system cancers

- poultry are fed compounds containing fats and growth hormones to get them to grow into a bigger than their usual size and in a shorter time, some farms cut off the tip of the beak at a young age to get them to ingest larger amounts of nutrients without them even realizing it by decreasing their control over their chewing process

- fish are now harvested by water bombs and chemicals for a faster result and a larger number of outcome

- cheese contains large amounts of formaldehyde (which is also used on corpses in the morgue to prevent them from decomposing) to give them a longer expiration date

- meat processes contain more rats and cockroaches than soy beans and actual proteins as the poor creatures usually sneak into the containers that are emptied in the grinder without examination

now.. since we're all going to be thinking twice before we put anything in our mouths, could someone please tell me what else is there left to eat?